So for the past year or so I've been contemplating getting a tattoo or a piercing or both. So far I only have my ears pierced once, so getting a tattoo or my belly button pierced is a BIG deal to me.
What do you guys think? Do you have piercings or tattoos? Did they hurt? I'm sort of a wuss when is comes to pain. Were/Are they hard to take care of? I also have no idea what kind of tattoo to get, so how did you decide? Tell me what you think and I'll keep you posted on my search.
I feel so cool that I can actually comment on this. I got my belly button pierced at the end of the summer, and that’s my only piercing besides my single-pierced ears. I was kind of scared, but a friend got hers done at the same time, so that helped a little bit. They were extremely clean and the girl who actually pierced it was very calm. She clamped the skin above the belly button, told me to hold my breath and count to 3 before letting it out, then pierced it on 3. It stung for a minute, but it faded after about 5 seconds. After that, it just took a little getting used to. I kept catching it on my clothing, and it was sore for a few days. It’s not hard to keep clean, but evidently its normal for it to be red/irritated for the first few months, and grossly enough, occasional pus is normal and okay.
The main reason I’m scared to get a tattoo is that I don’t want to be stuck with something that I don’t like or won’t look good in 50 years. I’ve been thinking about this though. My friend has some stars on her foot, just below her ankle. Since it is on her foot, and the foot goes through a lot everyday with shoes, socks, walking, rubbing, etc., she has to get the tattoo retouched every few months, otherwise it just kind of fades. I’ve been thinking lately that if I were to get a tattoo, I would get it on my foot like she did. That way, if I ever get tired of it, I could just stop getting it retouched and let it fade away.
If you're going to get a belly ring just be sure you check out the parlor where you're going to get it done. The guys there should be certified and things should be clean and sterile. You'll be a bit sore after you get it done (as in you'll be trying not to bend at all) but that goes away. Also, its easiest to usea barbell-type ring instead of an actual hoop or dangle because it catches less. As for the tattoo, really be sure that it's something you want and make the design something thats meaningful to you- it will be on your body for a very long time (except for certain places that wear away). You can look through tattoo artists' books for design ideas or you/the artist can design an original one that you want. Ankles, feet, and hands tend to fade after time so if you want one thats more permanant maybe go for a different location. Also, it doesn't really hurt that much- depending on the location. Anywhere where you don't have a lot of tissue between skin and bone is going to hurt and bleed more, if that has any weight on your decision.
Although I would never get a piercing or tattoo myself, I think it's cool when people decorate their bodies. However, I do have a few annoyances. It's pretty superficial of people to get a piercing or a tattoo just to show that they can take pain or whatever. It also bothers me when people get those little stud things on the sides of their noses, first of all because it seems many people do it to be unique even though its quite common, and second because it looks like a big shiny pimple and not cool at all.
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