A few weeks ago I had been talking about lipstick in my post Luscious Red Lips and well I was reading a post on Makeup Bag. The post is talking about Estée Lauder Signature Lipstick in Rich Red. I saw the picture of this and I was like oh my gosh I just love that color! Bringing me back to my old post like I talked about before. Bring out the Red lipstick is a huge thing right now! Everyone seems to becoming out with all these new colors and women look great with these colors!
So I decided to see what exactly Marykay has in the red category. I found this gorgeous color that I am just in love with! Its called
Red Salsa (on the right) the other color shown above is our Redwood(left) which is also so very pretty but that Red Salsa really just catches your eye right away! I think that I am definitely going to have to order some for myself! And if you have fallen in love with this color just as much as I have you can go to my website to order.
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