Do you ever have the problem of keep your make-up organized? Or maybe you travel alot and are always having a problem with trying to pack your make-up in a hurry. This summer I had this problem more than I ever have! I lived and worked in Lafayette, Indiana but my hometown is in Warsaw, Indiana (about 2 hours away) and I went home every weekend to help out on the farm and my sister was getting married. So on Friday's I was always in a hurry to pack-up and leave. I also go camping alot in the fall and I dont have alot of extra room in my bag to spare. To solve this problem I got this box (shown above). My dad likes to call it my 'Show Box' because we show cattle alot and when we go to a cattle show we have this big box with items we use to groom our cattle, making them all pretty. Keeping all of the essential items in a box helps so we dont forget things coming or going. So I keep all of the essentials in my 'show box', this way when I do have to leave quickly I can just close up my box and run! It is makes it so much easier to pack! And still keep everything organized and not as likly to forget something.
I usually do my hair in the bathroom but do my make-up at my vanity mirror in my room. Before I seemed to have my make-up all over the place and did my make-up wherever my make-up was at that time but this made it so hard for me when I had to leave. I just didn't have a good place to keep everything. Once I got my 'show box' I had a place to keep all of my make-up.
I found this cute little 'show box' at Walmart for really cheap, $5! There are bigger ones and smaller ones no matter how much or how little make-up you have. You can get ones that have lots of colors or sparkles. I am a very organized person so finding something that is cute and organized is perfect!
If you have any other great tips for keeping your make-up organized leave a comment! :) Have a good one!
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