Friday, December 7, 2007
Embrace your Natural Style
A few summers ago I was at a church camp and of course if you have ever been camping before, every girl is also in the bathroom doing there hair and make-up all at the same time. I was straightening my hair when this girl, Madlen, told me I should embrace that curl and work with it not against it! She had amazing curly/wavy hair, and always look amazing. At the time I was like yea I probably should but I didn't really know how. I think that I just now actually figured out how to embrace this curl. Since I got my hair cut its at just the right length for that once ugly curl to be beautiful! My hair curls out perfectly and looks really good. Of course this did take me a while to figure out how to do this but I think that you could do it right now!
You can't be afraid to let your hair do what it wants to, and to try new things! I hope that you will try a new style embrace your hair as it is!
Should guys pluck theire eyebrows?

I have an issue with eyebrows on men. Last week I got my eyebrows waxed because they were so bushy that I was mistaken for a plant! Ok not really but you know what I mean. Then later I was at my friend, Keith's apartment, and he asked "Why the heck are you eyebrows so red?!" I told him I got them waxed because I hate to pluck! We continued to talk about plucking and then of course we got on the subject of men plucking. I noticed Keith's eyebrows weren't too bad especially for a guy, but he did have some stragglers. I asked him how he felt about guys plucking and he said "well ya I do it but I hate it, but I don't want them to look like a girls eyebrows" He said he hates to do it though so he hadn't done it in awhile. That's when he asked me if I would pluck them for him! I couldn't believe he asked me to do that! Actually I can't believe that he wanted me to pluck his eyebrows! Let alone trust me to pluck them!
So I plucked his eyebrows of course I made sure that they didn't look like a girl at all, yet still look descent. He liked his eyebrows when I was done, yet he was pretty squirmy while I was plucking and I told him he had to sit still and man-up!
So I did some research on what others think about guys plucking there eyebrows. This is what I found, Most say that men should pluck there eyebrows, mostly just to make sure that they don't have a unibrow (which is so unattractive). Although some disagree but I found that most agree that it is very unattractive for men to have bushy brows and unibrow. So get out those tweezers boys!
But I want to know what you think? So let me know!
Wednesday, December 5, 2007
Get comfy!

So today we had a first snow. I thought it was going to be terribly windy out so I layered up with my long johns underneath. But when I got to campus it wasn’t too bad. But I have to say that I was pretty toasty all day long with my long johns.
Mine are plain gray, kind of boring I know. I was looking at some at JCPenney a while ago and found some cute ones that had pink flowers on them and another pair that was called cotton pointelle (pictured above). They have the flowers sort of cut out of the material. They are about $22 each, pants and top.
Since we are on the subject, I also found really cute pajamas there. My favorite was a long sleeve night shirt that came with matching underwear. I think they were about $25, but I couldn’t find them online. I also found pajamas with footies in them! I want a pair of those. It would make me feel like a kid again! They were only $17!
Saturday, December 1, 2007
Time for a New Hair Cut!

Yesterday I decided that it was definitely time to get hair cut. Sometimes I am a little bit crazy about my hair being healthy. Yet since this semester has been pretty crazy I haven't had it cut since JULY!! Yeks! So it was definitely time for a cut. I was just going to get a normal cut nothing different at all. I went to the Hairman (on the levee in West Lafayette). I have been there so many times and they always do a great job on my hair.
So I got there she washed my hair. As she was washing my hair I told her it had been awhile since I had it cut so she was aware that I had quite a few split ends. After she washed my hair and combed it she put this gel stuff on it to help my ends. Its called 'Sealed Ends' I know that you can buy it, because my sister, Mariah, has some. It kinda smells gross but it works really well. The point of it is to keep the ends of you hair sealed (hint the name) so that your split ends don't get any worse.
Then she started cutting and it was all good. She cut about 1/2 inch off then she got to my side swooping bangs and asked how short I wanted them and all. I had them cut a little shorter but long enough to still be able to put them behind my ears. And thats when I was said, "Ya know why don't we just a few layers in my hair and make it different" The picture above is kinda what my hair looks like only more of a side part and more bangs. And blonde of course!
It was time for something new and different. Its not extremely different but it is different than what I had before. I like it. Sometimes its just time for a change. So I hope that you will just change it up a little and see what you come up with.
Thursday, November 29, 2007
Get help choosing the right outfit

I don’t know about you guys, but when I hear that it is going to be 50 degrees, I think warm. That was supposed to be the temperature the other day, but it felt so much colder than that. I am terrible at figuring out what to wear so that I will be comfortable. Fortunately the other day on College Fashion I read a review on -a website where not only can you find the weather for that day but also an idea of what to wear! Just pop in your zip code and the weather and an idea of what to wear comes up in seconds. If you register, which I did, then you can submit what you are wearing that day and make your own predictions of the weather.
Today it suggested wearing a winter coat on top, pants on bottom, and sunglasses as an accessory. I think that a scarf and gloves need to be added as accessories, because it is pretty nippy out today. Take a look and let me know what you think!
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
Black Friday

So this past Friday was Black Friday. And I decided to go. For the first time. Ever.
My sister and I decided to pull an all-nighter Thursday night, which was probably not the smartest idea, but I went strong all day long until about 10:30 PM Friday night. Then I was dead.
The first place we hit was Kohl’s at about 4 AM. We decided that the lines were too long at about 4:20 and put down our stuff and went to Wal-mart. While she waited in line in the electronics department, I ran around the store getting other items and bringing them back to her. Then we were off to Target, and then back to Kohl’s, where the stuff we had put down was still in the same place.
Most of the time I was just tagging along, because she was doing most of the shopping and I was there to keep her company. But I got a few things, like a super-soft blanket, a printer ($34), and a gift for my mom and nephew. I still don’t think that waiting in the lines was worth getting a $35 blanket for $8. Did any of you go shopping? Get any good deals? I guess if I wouldn’t have gone I wouldn’t have gotten a new phone and met a new guy! (Cute guys work at Best Buy :)
Saturday, November 24, 2007
Too Many Accessories
I am just in love with all of my earrings and all of my shoes! I have so many that I have certain earrings for a specific outfit as well as shoes. You know how you have that adorable red shirt and then you don’t have any earrings to go with it. So next time you are at Claire’s you see the most adorable red earrings that would go great with you new shirt! I have a pair of big hoop earrings in just about ever color. Then the shoes I have a pair of flats in just about every color too along with my wonderful heels like I spoke about in my last post.
So back to my dilemma with what shoes and earrings I should pack for thanksgiving break. I decided to pack most of the basics that should cover pretty much everything. Like white, black, and of course pink (I have A LOT of pink!)
It is now Friday and I haven’t had a problem, between all of my clothes and the bag full of shoes, earrings and head bands I have managed to always find something that matches. I guess when it comes right down too it I really don’t need all of those earrings, shoes and head bands, I could make it with just the basic colors. At least when I go away for a few days I can manage. Hehe! I love my earrings, shoes and head bands way too much.
Monday, November 19, 2007
Red Dress

Saturday, November 17, 2007
Conspiracy Theory

Every woman knows that after a long day of wearing high heals you are ready to get out of those things, prop your feet up and have a nice long foot massage. Yet, it is funny how when you first put them on you thought to yourself how great your ass looked and that they completed your outfit. We all know that any and all pain for about, oh say, the first three hours is totally ignored but by the end of the day you never want to put a high heel on again. The next day rolls around, and you are walking through the mall in your flip flops or fashionable flats and you stumble across a huge shoe sale. Your eyes are immediately drawn toward those three inch-strapy-sexy-black heels with the cute polka dots. Of course you shouldn't buy them, however, they are forty percent off, super cute, incredibly irresistible, and in the last five minutes of staring at them you have fallen completely in love and can't imagine your closet with out them. In the end you will purchase them, wear them once get a blister, or five, and throw them in the back of your closet with the other incredibly sexy shoes that cause you more pain than pleasure. The cycle never ends and as much as we complain we will never cease to buy yet another pair of devilishly alluring heels.
Though our gender has come to terms with these so called "rules" of the road when it comes to heels, I believe there is a large conspiracy at hand.
Really, what woman in the world would have come up with the idea of putting our shoes on a two–five inch stick to increase our height at the cost of any and all comfort?
My thoughts exactly!
I think that men came up with this fashion item to hinder women from being able to escape them when they have done something stupid. Every woman knows it is extremely hard if not impossible to run away in heels, we are also aware of the fact that trying to run away in heels makes us look absolutely ridiculous, and no woman wants to purposely look ridiculous, this is why we check ourselves out in the mirror approximately six times on average before leaving the house. Or at least I do.
Men are clearly responsible.
However, I know that personally I couldn't live without my closet full of heels. They make me feel like a true woman; gorgeous, confident, completely in charge and on top of the world. I can be going out with my girls to grab smoothie, going to a club for a night on the dance floor, or going into the office to do my job, and a fabulous pair of heels make me feel almost invincible.
When I was a little girl I used to sneak into my mother’s closet and pick out a pair of heel for the day. I would put them on and follow them with a large amount of clothing because every little girl knows that the more grown-up items you have one the more you think you can pass for an actual adult, even in your small stature. My mother would of course shake her head laugh give me a hug and a kiss on the cheek and tell me to put it all back where I found it. I’d always do as she asked but take my time, putting the heels back. I’d imagine what my own closet would look like when I was an adult and I think I have it even better than I could have ever imagined.
I guess men did at least one good thing right, inventing these fabulous fashion items.
Friday, November 16, 2007
Do you Smell Something?
I had always wondered how expensive cologne, but then I saw how much the MK High Intensity Cologne. So I looked up the Tommy cologne and its also pretty expensive but its actually more than Mary Kay Inc cologne.
MK High Intensity is a 2.5 fl. oz. is $38 but the Tommy Hilfiger Cologne is 1.7 fl. oz. and it costs $37. Many people say that Mary Kay is really expensive but this proves that its actually cheaper than this name brand cologne.
The holidays are coming up and we have a really great mens gift set shown above that includes the MK High Intensity Cologne, Body and Hair Shampoo, and Cooling After-Shaving Gel. It also comes with this bag making it easy for you to wrap, because you don't even have to! Haha! Grag something for the special someone in your life.
Under my umbrella ella ella eh

I also found these cute umbrellas on and These two sites had very similar selections with about the same prices (from $20 to $60 but averaging about $28). However sometimes had two versions of the same umbrella, the traditional stick ones that wouldn’t fit in your bag and then a compact style also. This was a nice option in case you want your umbrella to fit in your bag. However, I feel that these ones typically seem to be weaker than the traditional stick styles.

These two sites had a wide selection, from sport team umbrellas to I Love Lucy and Betty Boop. Others were definitely a work of art, including works of Claude Monet, Vincent Van Gogh, Leonardo Da Vinci and Georges Seurat. There were ones that had the design underneath, so you could see it as you were walking, and a two person umbrella. I thought these were quite unique. So take a look and tell me what you think!
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
Jump in those your new rain boots

I found a couple different of pairs that I liked, with prices varying from $20 to around $60. Because I am in college, I’m definitely leaning towards the $20 pair (picture on left). I found them online at Target. They have a big variety that can be found here. The reviews were quite positive, although didn’t say much about the waterproof quality, which is what I care most about. The only issues that the consumers had were possible peeling of the coating, sizes were a little big, and the colors weren’t as bright as they were online. Other than that, they all gave at least four out of five stars and would recommend them to anyone.
The most expensive pair that I found were those in the picture on the right. They were $56 and were by Kamik. Their website said specifically that these boots were waterproof, whereas waterproof was not specified on the boots at Target. They supposedly have a special sole that maximizes traction, also, and technology that allows for prevention of odor inside the shoe.
Although the Kamik boots may be of better quality, as long as the Target boots don’t leak, I think I will stick with the cheaper pair. If you know of any better ones or have any comments about these, let me know! Next up: Umbrellas!
Pimple problem?
But every once in awhile a pimple will pop out with no warning, but Mary Kay Inc has a really great product called Acne Gel all you do is you just put it on your pimple over night and POOF it's gone in the morning.
I know what you are thinking though, 'This girl sells Mary Kay and of course she is going to say it will go away over night' But really I am speaking from personal expericence it really does work! And its really cheap and will last for a really long time! This amazing product is only $7.00, since you only use just a dab for each pimple it will last a very long time, I'm talking years!
This even works great for even the men! It does have a pink lid on the top but other than that the bottle is pretty manly. We do have other men's products but that will have to be for another post.
If you are wanting to know how you can get this amazing Acne Gel feel free to go to my website to find it and more awesome products.
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
Rain Rain Go Away!

Monday, November 12, 2007
Eclectic Dresses
For example, the Elephant March Dress and the Whipping Gale Sweater Dress are just not me. Although if it were me, I totally see someone pulling these dresses off with bright bangles and bright shoes. But that's just no my style. My style is more of Caspian Twilight Dress. I just love the color and I love the embellishment in the midline. Sort of reminds me of my other 2 blogs on blue and embellished dresses. They just go hand in hand with eachother.
Anthropologie has some great clothes, don't get me wrong, but when it comes to the dresses, I just don't udnerstand how I can wear these. So guys, help me out here. What dresses do you think work and what don't? I love dresses and I just want to know what dresses you guys would work and what won't. I want all of you fashion savvy people out there to give me your input and tell me from right and wrong (haha). And hey, if you are one of those girls that goes for those "eclectic dresses", then can you please let me know how you are able to pull of those looks because these dresses do have style in them if worn properly.
So get back to me and I'll talk to you guys later!
Friday, November 9, 2007
Tips for Apply Eye Color
Are you having trouble to get your make-up to look right? Or maybe you have no idea where to even begin? Well I have a lot of really great tips for you! I last night I had my very first MARYKAY Inc. skin care class! I was pretty nervous before the class, since it was my first but it was really fun. Even though its called a ‘skin care class’ we also work with make-up too, because well because make-up is just so much fun to play with.
For the eyes, the most important tip is to blend, blend, blend! Your eye colors should blend smoothly together without looking like you have streaks of color, that just makes you look like a clown. I have found that it is much easier to blend your colors by using a brush instead of the sponge.
To create a beautiful look for eyes is to identify their shape, so you can customize how to apply highlighter, midtone, and accent colors. For example, darker shades add depth while lighter shades create lift. Here are the five different eye shapes:
- Standard- eyes are set about one eye width apart
- Close-set-eyes are less than one eye width apart
- Wide-set-eyes more than one eye length apart
- Deep-set-when brow bone appears more noticeable
- Hooded –eyes are set so natural crease in the eyelid is not readily seen
But what if I can’t decide which one is my eye shape? Don’t worry! The standard application looks great on everyone. But if you would really like to know which eye shape you are you are welcome to go to my website and schedule a facial consultation with me and I will help you decide your eye shape.
Here are the applications for each eye shape:
1. Highlighter shade: Apply on brow bone, lid and along inner third of lower lashes.
2. Midtone shade: Apply in crease starting at the outer corner and blend.
3. Accent shade: Apply and blend along top lashline and inot outside halfof crease. Apply along lower lashline.
4. Eyeliner: Glide on along upper and (if desired) lower lashline. Soften with eyeliner/eyebrow brush, if desire.
5. Mascara: Apply to upper and (if desired) lower lashes.
1. Highlighter shade: Apply to brow bone and lid. Apply the hightligther shade to the inside corners of the eye to help the eyes appear farther apart.
2. Midtone shade: Starting at the outer corner of the crease, bring the color toward the inside corner to the brow but not all the way over to the nose.
3. Accent shade: Sweep it across the base of the upper lashline and up inot the outer area of the crease. Sweep it underneath the lower lashline for definition except for the inside corners.
4. Eyeliner: Glide on upper lashline and along the lower lashline form the mid-iris to slightly past the outer corner. Soften with the eyeliner/eyebrow brush, if desired.
5. Mascara: Apply on upper and (if desired) lower lashes, adding an extra coat or two to the outer top lashes.
1. Highligher shade: Apply to brow bone
2. Midtone shade: Starting from the outer corner of the crease, bring the color toward the inside of the eye. Deepen the color on the inside cornerns and lid to help the eyes appear closer together.
3. Accent shade: Starting slightly in from the outer corner, brush color across the upper lashline and into the crease of the eye. Also sweep it underneath the lower lashline, being careful not to extend it beyond the outer edge of the eye.
4. Eyeliner: Glide a thin, soft stroke on upper and lower lashline just to the outer edge of the eye. Soften with eyeliner/eyebrow brush, if desired.
5. Mascara: Sweep evenly onto upper and (if desired) lower lashes.
1. Highligher shade: Apply to the eyelid and along the inner corner of lower lashes and to brow bone.
2. Midtone shade: Bring the color up above the crease and sweep it across the brow bone.
3. Accent shade: Apply to the outer corner of the upper lashline, then up onto the corner of the brow bone. Sweep the accent shade underneath the lower lashline for definition.
4. Eyeliner: Glide a thin line along upper and lower lashline, thickening the line slightly on outer two-thirds of lid. Soften with the eyeliner/eyebrow brush, if desired.
5. Mascara: Apply to upper and lower lashes.
1. Highligher shade: apply to brow bone and laong the upper lashline and inner corner of lower lashes.
2. Midtone shade: Apply color from the base of the upper lahsline and over the entire hooded area to help the lid appear to recde. Blend
3. Accent shade: Apply from the base of the lashline and over the entire hooded area to help it appear to recede and blend. Sweep the accent color underneath the lower lashes to define. Hooded eyes really benefits from well-defined lashlines-upper and lower.
4. Eyeliner: Glide onto upper lashline and along lower lashline from the outside corner to inside edge of the iris. Soften with the eyeliner/eyebrow brush, if desired.
5. Mascara: Apply to upper and (if desired) lower lashes.
I hope that these tips will help you when apply color to make your eyes look simply gorgeous.
Thursday, November 8, 2007
My Pros and Cons
Can be completely unique
Can be concealed
Might hurt
No good ideas yet...
Another form of self-expression
Can change jewelry, rather than always being the same
Might hurt
Not too unique...especially the navel
So once again I’ll keep looking and you keep giving me some of your ideas!!
Wednesday, November 7, 2007
Warm up!
As I'm deciding what to put into my winter closet I found that Abercrombie & Fitch has some of the greatest peices to choose from. Best of all, you can mix any of the pieces together and it will look great. Another plus, is that this same thing works for all you boys out there (just incase you guys were feeling left out.
So everyone, stay warm out there and look good doing it. I don't want any of you guys getting sick at these dropping temperatures!
Tuesday, November 6, 2007
My Lip Gloss is Poppin

So I have a lip gloss fetish. And most other girls that I know do, too. It doesn’t always have to be lip gloss, but my lips always need to be moisturized, especially in this colder weather. But since this weekend I have not been able to find my favorite lip gloss and I have been going crazy without it! It’s C.O. Bigelow Mentha Lip Shine from Bath & Body Works and I have never found such a perfect lip gloss as this one! It is minty flavored, so not only does it taste good, but it freshens you breath, too! You can get a clear or slightly tinted gloss along with different flavors. My favorites are the mentha and spearmint flavors. And most importantly it keeps my lips moisturized without the sticky feeling…I know you know what I’m talking about! It’s usually about $7.50 but right now they are having a sale! Two for $10!! So go stock up, it’s definitely worth it!
So I tried one of my other lip glosses today and hated it! It became sticky on my lips and definitely did not keep them moisturized like my favorite one does. So I added it to my stash of lip gloss that I never use…because I don’t care for them. If only I had known this before I spent money on all of these glosses!
I actually found out about this lip gloss after I used someone else’s. I know some of you don’t like sharing but I’m glad I did. Within a few days I had my own tube. Now all of my friends and a lot of other people I know have their own tube. Everyone that tries mine instantly falls in love. If you want to try this lip gloss, go get one now. You won’t regret it and you’ll even get it on sale!
Thick Hair?

Do you have crazy thick hair? In my last post I mentioned about my roommate, Heather and her thick, dry hair. I wrote about a Malibu treatment to remove the mineral and rust build-up will make your hair softer and healthier. I also mentioned that we are college students so we don't have a ton of doe to spend to fix that crazy hair. Many times Heather has mentioned how she can't control her hair because it is so thick and unable to manage.
Heather's hair is very very thick and all one length. Since her hair is all one length this isn't helping the thickness issue at all, its just making it worse. She told me the other day that her hair has always been one length and hasn't really ever changed the style. First of all everyone needs to spice up there hair style once in awhile. Second if we put a few layers in her hair then this would minimize the thickness of her hair making it easier to manage.
I found two pictures of great hair styles that might work for Heather. Since Heather has longer hair I wanted to find styles that were longer because it is starting to get cold out now and short hair in the winter time could be very cold. And since she hasn't changed her styles very much I didn't want it to be to drastic. The first girl with brown hair has longer layers which are great because she will still be able to put her hair up in a pony tail if she wants but yet it isn't as thick. The second girl with blond hair has alot more layers and shorter layers which will make it thiner all throughout her hair unlike the other only on the ends.
If you have thick hair and are really struggling like my roommate here are some tips for you to help manage your hair. More tips to come! :)
Monday, November 5, 2007
Want softer, better looking hair?
So I did some research and on damaged hair, I found that by using hard water to wash your hair causes mineral and rust build-up on your hair. This is very damaging to your hair, making it dry and unhealthy.
Since we live on campus in an apartment there isn't a whole lot we can do about the hard water but we can remove the minerals and rust from our hair by using a Malibu Hair Treatment. I found some home treatments but you can also go to the stylist. I read a review on Malibu treatments and she said that her hair was so soft after her Malibu treatment. This will make your hair softer and healthier. I love soft hair!
My sister also had a Malibu treatment done to her hair this summer, she said that it wasn't too expensive. Of course each salon is going to have different prices but here at Purdue at the Hairman it was around $15. She said it took about half hour and on the review I read she said it took about half hour or so also.
I am going to take my roommate, Heather, to get a Malibu Hair Treatment sometime soon and hopefully this will make a difference in her dry, unhealthy hair. I will let you know how it goes. More healthy hair tips coming soon.
Saturday, November 3, 2007
Ways to whiten

So I chose to start whitening my teeth awhile ago. It was most likely around high school dance time, when I wanted to look good. But then I continued to, every once in awhile, to keep my teeth looking white and healthy. I started out using Crest Whitestrips and have used them up to now, when I decided to try the Listerine Whitening Quick Dissolving Strips.
I think that these strips work pretty well. The Crest Whitestrips Classic instructions tell you to wear the strips twice daily for approximately 30 minutes. The Listerine ones are supposed to be worn for 5-10 minutes twice a day. Then this complete whitening process lasts for 2 weeks. After that you should have whiter teeth for at least six months, at least when you use Crest. There are different types of Crest Whitestrips that you can choose from that may be more convenient for you.
However, most of the time I don’t use these strips as much as they say you should, yet I still can tell a difference. For optimal results, you probably should wear them twice a day. I also don’t continuously use them. My teeth sometimes get sensitive so I take breaks between the two week processes. It is okay to use the treatment back to back once, but I think that it would be best if you take breaks.
So are whitening strips the only way to go? No way. If you want the best results in the shortest amount of time, you can get your teeth professionally whitened. However, this is the most expensive way, with prices ranging from $600-$1000. Then you can also get an at-home treatment that includes gel and trays from local dentist offices and these range from $300-$600. Then there are the do-it-yourself kits, such as the whitening trays, gels, and strips that you can find at local drug stores. There are also whitening toothpastes and mouthwashes. These are the least expensive way to go, but are not as effective as professional whitening treatments.
There are also other options that you can do at home that can help prevent and remove stains from your teeth. Watching what you eat and drink are the main things that lead to discoloration of your teeth. Drink more water to discourage yourself from consuming teeth staining drinks like soda, coffee, and tea. If you must drink these, drink through a straw to prevent less contact with your teeth. Smoking also causes discoloration, so just another reason not to smoke!

Eating apples, celery, and carrots allow for natural teeth cleaning since you have to chew them a lot. Broccoli, spinach, and lettuce can help prevent stains from recurring. Brushing with a mixture of hydrogen peroxide and baking soda seems to be one of the good home remedies for whitening teeth.
If you choose to use any of the following ways, you need to also take precaution. If you experience sensitivity or irritated gums, you may need to shorten the time that you use your treatment, or use it less frequently. Sensitivity and irritation may also be a sign that you are not a good fit for home whitening treatments. To be sure, talk to your dentist. Also don’t use lemon or strawberry treatments, because the acid that these contain can eat away your enamel.
Good Luck!!!
Whitening Update

I have continued to use the Listerine Whitening Strips, even though I don’t like them-as I described in my post. I used them yesterday and today. The taste has gotten a little better, but they still don’t dissolve as they should. I still have to brush and/or floss after I remove them. But they are working. At least I think I can tell a difference, but maybe it’s just my imagination….
Thursday, November 1, 2007
Listerine Whitening Quick Dissolving Strips

So as I am sitting here trying to decide what to blog about, I am whitening my teeth. I just bought the Listerine Whitening Quick Dissolving Strips today for like $24 at Wal-mart and decided to try them out. I have used the Crest Whitening Strips and didn’t really care for pulling those things off my teeth. What did you guys think of the Crest strips? But after trying these, I am pretty much in love with the Crest strips.
First off the Listerine strips taste disgusting. They just have a really bad taste that is hard to deal with for the 5-10 minutes they are to be on before they supposedly completely dissolve. However, I had mine on for about 10 minutes and they definitely were not completely dissolved. I couldn’t deal with it any more so I had to scrape them off my teeth. The strips remind me of the Listerine breath strips. They are made of a similar material and then when it “dissolves” on your teeth, it gets down between your teeth. I had to brush my teeth afterwards, yet I feel like they are still on my teeth and it didn’t get rid of the nasty taste, either. I’m about to go floss, too.
Have any of you tried them yet? What did you think? What I thought was going to be a good product ended up being a waste of my money. I am definitely not looking forward to using the other 54 strips, but they aren’t going to go to waste.
Ready for the CMA awards
For more information visit CMA Awards.
Brrr....its cold out! Time to break out the sweaters

Its definitely time to break out the sweaters! Its almost too cold to wear tank tops, t-shirts and flip flops. I don't know about you but I love changing seasons because I get to break out all of the clothes that I haven't wore since last year! Almost like getting new clothes, except your not spending any money! Thats probably the best part!
Just today I broke out one of my sweaters that I hadn't wore since last year and I got 3 comments on how great it looked on me! Everyone loves to get compliments but the best part it the fact that I still fit into my sweater and it still looks good!
So break out those sweaters that haven't been worn for a year or so and see how great you look!
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
What's your take on tatoos and piercings?

So for the past year or so I've been contemplating getting a tattoo or a piercing or both. So far I only have my ears pierced once, so getting a tattoo or my belly button pierced is a BIG deal to me.
What do you guys think? Do you have piercings or tattoos? Did they hurt? I'm sort of a wuss when is comes to pain. Were/Are they hard to take care of? I also have no idea what kind of tattoo to get, so how did you decide? Tell me what you think and I'll keep you posted on my search.
Cowgirl Up!

This weekend I had a couple of Halloween parties and they were really fun! But the most fun was getting dressed up! I was of course as you can see one the left a cowgirl. I didn't do alot with my make-up except use more pink colors because I was going for a pink theme. As you can see with the awesome PINK BOOTS.
Of course I went with the pigtail braids for my hair. I wasn't really sure how the side swoop (my side bangs) would work out with my hat. Since my hat fits a little tight on my head I thought that my side swoop would be sticking out looking like it was smashed to my head. didn't at all! I just had to make the side swoop a little more dramatic in order for it to work with the hat.
There was also another issue I was worried about with the wearing the hair. I was afraid that my hat would get annoying and was just sure that by the end of the night it would have to come off my head. And then I would have infamous HAT HAIR eek! To deal with this issue I just put alot of hair spray in my hair to hold it in place and I was good to go!
I had alot of fun getting dressed up for Halloween. A few weeks ago I wrote a post titled GLAMOROUS!, I mentioned swing dancing. I go swing dancing just about every week usually on Wednesdays. Can you guess what this Wednesday is?! Yea, its Halloween! And of course its a dress up dance! I am so excited about going dancing in my costume!
Although I am going to change my costume up a little bit because I have a very cute skirt that will twirl better than the jean skirt. Twirly skirts are so much fun to wear swing dancing because when the lead spins you your skirt will twirl.
As you can see in the photo I also have toy guns on my belt that I am worried will get in the way. So the belt might have to come off by the end of the night.
Long story short I love getting dressed up for Halloween! Have fun and be safe!
Leather Coats
Saturday, October 27, 2007
My Skinnies

So I still don’t know if I am a big fan of skinny jeans, but I think that they are starting to grow on me. I wore the dark pair last night before the costume party with brown flats, and a cute flowy shirt. I have to say that I felt pretty cute. Yet, the shirt was a tank top and I need to find a long sleeve shirt to wear under it to make it more appropriate for the colder weather.
I am also looking for a new coat and there are some long coats that are at Target that would be great to wear with skinny jeans. I just can’t decide if I should get a black or brown one. What do you guys think? I can't really decide if I wear black or brown more often. Let me know what you think.
Showgirl Style

The only ideas that I could come up were my work uniform, a cowgirl, and using old dance dresses. Dressing up in my work uniform…pretty boring since I do that every day I go to work. Being a carhop for Halloween was just not going to fly. The cowgirl is not original at all and I’m pretty sure that’s what I threw together last year (and so did everyone else), so not going to work this time! Now for the old dance dresses, I didn’t really want to get all dolled up and act like I was going to go to a dance again.
That is when I found an old dress of my sister’s from like the early 90s, but looked a lot older than that. It was a strapless dress made of black lace with three tier-like levels. It had a bow with rhinestones on the chest, so I wore black heels with rhinestones and a big diamond cocktail ring. At first I was going for a flapper, but then I decided that I was going to more like a showgirl. So I spiraled curled my hair, which is already short, and made it big. Then added on my accessories, some fake lashes, and a lot of make-up and I was good to go.
I wasn’t a huge fan of my costume, but it was sufficient for the party and it didn’t cost me a dime! It wasn’t that big of a party and if I decide that I’m going to another one, I might just have to go buy one. A girl at the party was a flapper with a long skinny cigar and a boa....perfect I thought! It's what I need to be. But I would much rather save my money for something more important and just make do with what I already have.
Thursday, October 25, 2007
"Cinematic Style"
1. Breakfast at Tiffany's (Why am I not suprised?)
2. West Side Story
3. Annie Hall
4. Grease (Also not so suprising.)
5. Flashdance
6. Clueless (Duh!)
7. Romeo and Juliet
8. The Royal Tenenbaums
9. Marie Antoinette
I am not suprised that these movies were chosen-even though I have yet to see "The Royal Tenenbaums" and "Annie Hall". These are all great movies and they are all deffinately led with great costumes. What stuck out to me most, though, was "Romeo and Juliet". Even though that is a great movie, I would've have never thought of "Romeo and Juliet" as a "stylish" movie. Whenever I saw the movie, I always thought about how boring and plain there clothes was without even considering the era the movie was taken place in.
But now that I think about it, it is very simple and modern, just how the movie was set. It sort of makes you think about what the movie really would be like if it was modern day. As I remember what Romeo, aka Leonardo DiCaprio, wore, I now think that it sort of makes him like more of a rebel. If you read the book, you don't really think of him in that way, but in the modern day movie, it looks like he is. I kind of like it, it brings it a little twist. What was also nice was what Juliet, aka Claire Danes, wore. She wore simple, light clothing. It made her look almost innocent. I think the best costume worn was Romeo in his Hawiian shirt and Juliet in a light, cream-looking dress. It almost shows what their personalities are: hard-core boy and an innocent-looking princess. So props to the head of costume.
What do you guys think of these movies? How do you feel about these movies being called as one of the "stylish" movies? Let me know!
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
What should I be for Halloween?

Tuesday, October 23, 2007
Halloween Time

Fall Layers
So now that the weather is getting a little colder, it is time to talk about layers. Lately, I've really been into layering with light knits. Wheather it's tees, tanks, or long sleeves, it is all about layering them.
So as I look online to update my layered look, I noticed that at Urban Outfitters, they came out with a bunch of tops that you can layer. My personal favorite is the "Transperance V-Neck Tee" (in the link under "layer"). This is great because I just love t-shirts. I would get a white one and then one with color so that I can wear it under the white. My other favorite is the "Super Scoop Tee", which is a longsleeve. This would go great paired with a tank underneath. What is also great about these tees is that Urban Outfitters gives us a great 2 for $25 offer, which I know we all love.
You can also embellish this look with a long necklace. It would also be great with skinny jeans and a cute pair of flats. It would also be great to wear under the trench coat that I wrote in my other entry.
Now I know I haven't been talking about the boys lately, but this is also another great look for guys. Just get two pairs of tees and layer them, or get thermals and layer them. It'll go great with some dark jeans. Great and plain.
So now that I have helped you with a way to keep warm in this freezing weather, I hope you take my advice and try it out. It'll go great. I'll try and find other ways to keep warm!
Monday, October 22, 2007
Smells Like Fall!
I also took a look at the jewelry. I looked at the rings and they had a huge variety, from puzzle rings to birthstone rings. They had some funky ones that had cool stones in them, too. I wanted a garnet ring (my birthstone) for graduation from my mom, but I still haven’t gotten one. I’m thinking about dragging her in there to get me one! They weren’t too expensive, either. They ranged from about $10-$50 depending on the quality of the gem and silver.
So just wanted to keep you updated on my favorites! And I’m sure that I’ll be back in there soon, to check out the rest of the store. Seriously, I could spend hours in there….
By the way, my other big purchase was a Purdue fleece, which I am totally stoked about! Now I can still wear black to the football games, but not freeze my butt off!