So if you read my previous post, you all know that my umbrella I got from Wal-mart for $5 is now a good-for-nothing victim of the wind. So I decided to take a look on-line for some good umbrellas. I found a cute Purdue umbrella for $35. It seems as though it would be worth it, though. It has a 62 inch diameter and is constructed to be wind resistant, which is key as I have learned the hard way. If you don’t want to buy it yourself, ask for it for Christmas! You know it will be rainy in the spring…
I also found these cute umbrellas on umbrellas.com and umbrellastand.com. These two sites had very similar selections with about the same prices (from $20 to $60 but averaging about $28). However umbrellas.com sometimes had two versions of the same umbrella, the traditional stick ones that wouldn’t fit in your bag and then a compact style also. This was a nice option in case you want your umbrella to fit in your bag. However, I feel that these ones typically seem to be weaker than the traditional stick styles.

These two sites had a wide selection, from sport team umbrellas to I Love Lucy and Betty Boop. Others were definitely a work of art, including works of Claude Monet, Vincent Van Gogh, Leonardo Da Vinci and Georges Seurat. There were ones that had the design underneath, so you could see it as you were walking, and a two person umbrella. I thought these were quite unique. So take a look and tell me what you think!
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