Thursday, September 13, 2007

New fun Nail style!

Ok so I have been sitting here trying to think of what to write for my post. As I sit here surfing the net I am typing and my thumb started to hurt. You see today was just one of those days where everything seems to be going wrong! It started out that I forgot my ID (which I needed for work) and then I am trying to run home to grab my ID well my keys are also attached to my ID!! Oh crap and my roomate definitly locked the door!! AH! What a bad deal! It all worked out but in the time that I was running around trying to get into my apartment I somehow hit my nail (acrlic nail) so hard on the door and kind of bent it back with my real nail. Its nothing serious but it defintly hurts really bad. I love my nails but man did that hurt!!
Anyway, on with my post I was surfing for fun new designs for my nails because it is almost time for my nails to be filled again. I found this fun new idea that I wanted to share with you.
At first I was like yuck thats ugly! But as I read what she had wrote about these nail and I kept looking at the picture it started to grow on me! I am not sure if I will acutually get my nails done this way mostly just because I'm not really a black nail polish kinda girl but I did want to share this fun new idea with you. I think that it could be really fun and its definitly a different look thats for sure!

1 comment:

MiTortuga said...

hey cute post, its always nice to see new styles, but just so you know its acrylic* thanks!