Today I'm going to introduce you guys to a philosophy that I have been rigorously and painstackingly fine tunning for the past hmmm...about a week. Well, that's partly true. My perception of what is appealing has been developing my entire life and is continually updated. It is just recently that I began to ponder... Why? Why do people's ideas of what looks good differ so drastically. I've thought about it pretty hard and this is what I came up with... Although most guys and girls are similar (within their sex) in their definitions of whats "hot" and "not", the reason there are slight differences in perceptions is due to upbringing.

People's idea of what is fashionable and what looks good is primarily decided by their perception of what is stylish. This may be a quite confusing so I'll explain. First, here are some definitions...FASHION-a prevailing custom or style of dress, etiquette, socializing, etc. And STYLE-a particular kind, sort, or type, as with reference to form, appearance, or character. The explanation- fashion is just what people as a whole are wearing, but style is all about what INDIVIDUALS think is cool. So a car example: Of all the exotic sport cars out there, I think the Aston Martin Vantage is the best looking (especially in white)...the reason I think this, while person B likes the Ferrari F430 (in red) is due to our differences in sense of style. I prefer sleek, smooth, simplicity, eccentrated by the elegant,pure, cut and clean look of the color white. While person B may steer more towards the flashy, sporty appearance of the red Ferrari.
In my view, a person's style comes out mostly in their choice of accessories, such as jewelry of any kind, earrings (i'm a guy, dont know how to spell that word) sunglasses, shoes, purses etc. Unfortunately style is being used to accessorize, or put a personal twist on fashion. It would be much better if fashion didn't exist at all, and people just wore clothes that they thought looked cool, thus making a person's sense of style much easier to see, and their personality easier to assess from a glance.
In an Ideal world, personality would effectively be displayed through what people choose to wear. A social and fashion norm would not exist and everyone would embrace, love and show off their individuality and unique sense of style. It is my personal goal, to observe what people are wearing, figure out what their personality is like, and then analyze how their clothing (down to certain articles of wear) reflects this personality. I aim to explain how a person is successfully displaying their personality through what they wear, and also inform on what may be confusing the message sent about their personality through thier clothing. Hopefully i can help some people out, but mostly I'm going to be developing my own science, trying to figure out how an individual's sense of style, creeps out through their fashion wear, and eludes to their personality. I call it STYLEOLOGY.
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