Friday, December 7, 2007
Embrace your Natural Style
A few summers ago I was at a church camp and of course if you have ever been camping before, every girl is also in the bathroom doing there hair and make-up all at the same time. I was straightening my hair when this girl, Madlen, told me I should embrace that curl and work with it not against it! She had amazing curly/wavy hair, and always look amazing. At the time I was like yea I probably should but I didn't really know how. I think that I just now actually figured out how to embrace this curl. Since I got my hair cut its at just the right length for that once ugly curl to be beautiful! My hair curls out perfectly and looks really good. Of course this did take me a while to figure out how to do this but I think that you could do it right now!
You can't be afraid to let your hair do what it wants to, and to try new things! I hope that you will try a new style embrace your hair as it is!
Should guys pluck theire eyebrows?

I have an issue with eyebrows on men. Last week I got my eyebrows waxed because they were so bushy that I was mistaken for a plant! Ok not really but you know what I mean. Then later I was at my friend, Keith's apartment, and he asked "Why the heck are you eyebrows so red?!" I told him I got them waxed because I hate to pluck! We continued to talk about plucking and then of course we got on the subject of men plucking. I noticed Keith's eyebrows weren't too bad especially for a guy, but he did have some stragglers. I asked him how he felt about guys plucking and he said "well ya I do it but I hate it, but I don't want them to look like a girls eyebrows" He said he hates to do it though so he hadn't done it in awhile. That's when he asked me if I would pluck them for him! I couldn't believe he asked me to do that! Actually I can't believe that he wanted me to pluck his eyebrows! Let alone trust me to pluck them!
So I plucked his eyebrows of course I made sure that they didn't look like a girl at all, yet still look descent. He liked his eyebrows when I was done, yet he was pretty squirmy while I was plucking and I told him he had to sit still and man-up!
So I did some research on what others think about guys plucking there eyebrows. This is what I found, Most say that men should pluck there eyebrows, mostly just to make sure that they don't have a unibrow (which is so unattractive). Although some disagree but I found that most agree that it is very unattractive for men to have bushy brows and unibrow. So get out those tweezers boys!
But I want to know what you think? So let me know!
Wednesday, December 5, 2007
Get comfy!

So today we had a first snow. I thought it was going to be terribly windy out so I layered up with my long johns underneath. But when I got to campus it wasn’t too bad. But I have to say that I was pretty toasty all day long with my long johns.
Mine are plain gray, kind of boring I know. I was looking at some at JCPenney a while ago and found some cute ones that had pink flowers on them and another pair that was called cotton pointelle (pictured above). They have the flowers sort of cut out of the material. They are about $22 each, pants and top.
Since we are on the subject, I also found really cute pajamas there. My favorite was a long sleeve night shirt that came with matching underwear. I think they were about $25, but I couldn’t find them online. I also found pajamas with footies in them! I want a pair of those. It would make me feel like a kid again! They were only $17!
Saturday, December 1, 2007
Time for a New Hair Cut!

Yesterday I decided that it was definitely time to get hair cut. Sometimes I am a little bit crazy about my hair being healthy. Yet since this semester has been pretty crazy I haven't had it cut since JULY!! Yeks! So it was definitely time for a cut. I was just going to get a normal cut nothing different at all. I went to the Hairman (on the levee in West Lafayette). I have been there so many times and they always do a great job on my hair.
So I got there she washed my hair. As she was washing my hair I told her it had been awhile since I had it cut so she was aware that I had quite a few split ends. After she washed my hair and combed it she put this gel stuff on it to help my ends. Its called 'Sealed Ends' I know that you can buy it, because my sister, Mariah, has some. It kinda smells gross but it works really well. The point of it is to keep the ends of you hair sealed (hint the name) so that your split ends don't get any worse.
Then she started cutting and it was all good. She cut about 1/2 inch off then she got to my side swooping bangs and asked how short I wanted them and all. I had them cut a little shorter but long enough to still be able to put them behind my ears. And thats when I was said, "Ya know why don't we just a few layers in my hair and make it different" The picture above is kinda what my hair looks like only more of a side part and more bangs. And blonde of course!
It was time for something new and different. Its not extremely different but it is different than what I had before. I like it. Sometimes its just time for a change. So I hope that you will just change it up a little and see what you come up with.
Thursday, November 29, 2007
Get help choosing the right outfit

I don’t know about you guys, but when I hear that it is going to be 50 degrees, I think warm. That was supposed to be the temperature the other day, but it felt so much colder than that. I am terrible at figuring out what to wear so that I will be comfortable. Fortunately the other day on College Fashion I read a review on -a website where not only can you find the weather for that day but also an idea of what to wear! Just pop in your zip code and the weather and an idea of what to wear comes up in seconds. If you register, which I did, then you can submit what you are wearing that day and make your own predictions of the weather.
Today it suggested wearing a winter coat on top, pants on bottom, and sunglasses as an accessory. I think that a scarf and gloves need to be added as accessories, because it is pretty nippy out today. Take a look and let me know what you think!
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
Black Friday

So this past Friday was Black Friday. And I decided to go. For the first time. Ever.
My sister and I decided to pull an all-nighter Thursday night, which was probably not the smartest idea, but I went strong all day long until about 10:30 PM Friday night. Then I was dead.
The first place we hit was Kohl’s at about 4 AM. We decided that the lines were too long at about 4:20 and put down our stuff and went to Wal-mart. While she waited in line in the electronics department, I ran around the store getting other items and bringing them back to her. Then we were off to Target, and then back to Kohl’s, where the stuff we had put down was still in the same place.
Most of the time I was just tagging along, because she was doing most of the shopping and I was there to keep her company. But I got a few things, like a super-soft blanket, a printer ($34), and a gift for my mom and nephew. I still don’t think that waiting in the lines was worth getting a $35 blanket for $8. Did any of you go shopping? Get any good deals? I guess if I wouldn’t have gone I wouldn’t have gotten a new phone and met a new guy! (Cute guys work at Best Buy :)
Saturday, November 24, 2007
Too Many Accessories
I am just in love with all of my earrings and all of my shoes! I have so many that I have certain earrings for a specific outfit as well as shoes. You know how you have that adorable red shirt and then you don’t have any earrings to go with it. So next time you are at Claire’s you see the most adorable red earrings that would go great with you new shirt! I have a pair of big hoop earrings in just about ever color. Then the shoes I have a pair of flats in just about every color too along with my wonderful heels like I spoke about in my last post.
So back to my dilemma with what shoes and earrings I should pack for thanksgiving break. I decided to pack most of the basics that should cover pretty much everything. Like white, black, and of course pink (I have A LOT of pink!)
It is now Friday and I haven’t had a problem, between all of my clothes and the bag full of shoes, earrings and head bands I have managed to always find something that matches. I guess when it comes right down too it I really don’t need all of those earrings, shoes and head bands, I could make it with just the basic colors. At least when I go away for a few days I can manage. Hehe! I love my earrings, shoes and head bands way too much.